The Facebook Supermarket for Life

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My addiction to facebook is not due to the fact that I like to hear all the latest news and gossip of my friends...and their friends...and whoever else's files are not protected due to privacy. I firmly believe that I can get down home good resources from my facebook friends and their facebook friends. Nowadays status updates consists of houses for sale, or handiwork that needs to be done. It can be a real time classifieds ad.

So when I saw an old college friend post amazing photographs a few months back..I was insane jealous but also relieved that there was a chance I could talk to a real life person about the ins and outs of photography. I messaged Anna and asked her a few questions about photography lessons. She said her husband would be happy to meet with me. And that is when I first heard the name Nels Akerlund.

I googled him...was totally impressed by his work and was even more relieved to hear that he went to photography school. It's not that I feel that photography school is necessary for a career...but it is refreshing to know that Nels was once a student and had teachers who taught him...therefore, I could pray that he would be able to remember techniques on how to manage an overconfident, underskilled student such as myself.

I was right. Nels is incredible. We meet twice a month for about an hour. He is not only a patient and funny guy...his critiques are spot on and a good friend who tells you that you have something stuck in your teeth...but assures you that you STILL look good. In our meetings, I have learned something very important about myself. I mean, I knew that I am sensitive to criticism..sheesh who truly isn't. But when I would e mail Nels my images from my assignments, as i pressed the ENTER key on my Macbook, I felt downright fragile. Lucky for me Nels has a way to tell me the good and the bad and the ugly and still makes me feel like I am on the right path. He commands me to take my time and prepare for the shot. He reminds me to look at the image I just captured before I get all snap happy. He assures me to be proud of my first edition Canon Rebel DSLR, because a camera does not make a photographer.
The following pictures are two that I am extremely proud of. Because a few months ago, I had no idea how to produce an image like this... and now I do. And that gets me even closer to being a photographer with a capital P.

All by my... SELF ...Taught

Friday, September 3, 2010

A few months ago, I made the command decision to take my Canon Rebel DSLR off program mode and permanently place it in manual mode. The reason behind it was simple...if I was going to take people's hard earned money to take photographs, I wanted it to be legit. I wanted to create images that was beyond what their "uncle with the really cool camera" can do.
When i surfed the web in search of a mentor and inspiration I immediately connected to the stories I read from other photographers...
-"I always had a pasion for taking pictures"
-"I never took a single photography class"
-"I was self taught"
I thought to myself...THAT'S ME! THAT'S ME! And so I followed their blogs, studied their images and stalked their next speaking engagements. All along..I kept saying...I have the passion just like them so I am sure I can take pictures just like them...
Meanwhile, with my camera, still on Manual mode, I was definitely NOT getting the images that I envisioned.
I keep getting these e mails from Art Institutes, vying for my attention..luring me with the idea that if I stop my life, go back to school..I must just get the hang of this photography thing. It's tempting..but how do I explain to my 3 children that their college fund is depleted because Mommy likes to take pictures.
There has to be a better for now YOUTube will be my best friend as I learn about posing, lighting and digital workflow.
One thing is for sure SELF TAUGHT is a lonely lonely place. It's just me, my camera, my manual and a couple Idiot's Guide Books.
In the meantime...the proof is in the pudding. I am drawn to photography not because of shutter speeds and aperatures, but because looking through the view finder gives me a way to discover beautiful moments in my life.
Here are just a few.

My niece already falling in love with her baby brother to be...

A newlywed couple lighting up the night...

My kids embracing life..and most importantly..each other!