All by my... SELF ...Taught

Friday, September 3, 2010

A few months ago, I made the command decision to take my Canon Rebel DSLR off program mode and permanently place it in manual mode. The reason behind it was simple...if I was going to take people's hard earned money to take photographs, I wanted it to be legit. I wanted to create images that was beyond what their "uncle with the really cool camera" can do.
When i surfed the web in search of a mentor and inspiration I immediately connected to the stories I read from other photographers...
-"I always had a pasion for taking pictures"
-"I never took a single photography class"
-"I was self taught"
I thought to myself...THAT'S ME! THAT'S ME! And so I followed their blogs, studied their images and stalked their next speaking engagements. All along..I kept saying...I have the passion just like them so I am sure I can take pictures just like them...
Meanwhile, with my camera, still on Manual mode, I was definitely NOT getting the images that I envisioned.
I keep getting these e mails from Art Institutes, vying for my attention..luring me with the idea that if I stop my life, go back to school..I must just get the hang of this photography thing. It's tempting..but how do I explain to my 3 children that their college fund is depleted because Mommy likes to take pictures.
There has to be a better for now YOUTube will be my best friend as I learn about posing, lighting and digital workflow.
One thing is for sure SELF TAUGHT is a lonely lonely place. It's just me, my camera, my manual and a couple Idiot's Guide Books.
In the meantime...the proof is in the pudding. I am drawn to photography not because of shutter speeds and aperatures, but because looking through the view finder gives me a way to discover beautiful moments in my life.
Here are just a few.

My niece already falling in love with her baby brother to be...

A newlywed couple lighting up the night...

My kids embracing life..and most importantly..each other!


cherished bliss said...

really enjoy your blog!! I completely relate to being self taught. I am about to switch to manual : )

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