Bobbi Lane and a chance to WIN on the blog!

Monday, October 18, 2010

When I first met Bobbi Lane, she was in the middle of rehearsal for Fridayphotoschool. It was Thursday evening and she was talking to the members of the production team about the content of her show that was going to air in T minus 18 hours. Bobbi practiced talking among the three cameras, she continued to refine the elements of her program and she seemed nervous. This made me INSTANTLY fall in love with her. Here was this woman, a pro in her field, accomplished in her own right, she has presented numerous lighting seminars ...yet she was nervous about this show. I quickly realized that her nerves and trepidation wasn't because she didn't know what to say...she just wanted to say it perfectly. 18 hours before we aired live, Bobbi Lane had one thought in her head...her live audience. She wanted this show to be great...for them.

Needless to say, when Fridayphotoschool aired live...Bobbi Lane hit it out of the ballpark. She is a natural teacher.

As soon as the director said CUT, Bobbi was excited and proud that the show had gone so well. Everyone in the room was feeling an adrenaline rush but I still had some questions.
I'm so new at photography that even thinking about putting a pocket wizard on my camera makes my stomach flip. But listening to Bobbi for 90 minutes made me realize two important things...
1. I can't label myself a natural light photographer because I DON'T KNOW how to work with studio lighting.
2. It's imperative that I learn lighting techniques so that I can have more control of my sessions. I just can't rely on available sunlight all of the time.

Bobbi is so amazingly kind, that she took some time to answer my questions and give me an overview about things that I may have missed during the live show.

On her way out of the studio, Bobbi told me that she was going to send me an essential lighting publication that she contributed to. She told me that it would be a great resource for me to refer back to whenever I got too intimidated by lighting techniques. Instead of sending me one, she sent me MULTIPLE copies and I am giving them away right here on my blog! My first blog giveaway!!

Here's how you enter...Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment below telling me what your favorite lighting technique is. The winners will be picked by
I'll start with mine...My favorite lighting technique is the ONLY one I know right now...bounced on camera flash, set on TTL. Clearly, I need more training!
So...comment away! The contest ends Monday night! The winner will be revealed on the blog and on the Fridayphotoschool facebook page!

#10 Sarah, #1 A place for photographers and #5 Fred!!!
These numbers were generated by


Anonymous said...

I'm now a follower! :) My favorite lighting technique is to place my subject with their back to the sun if it's midday sun/cloudless sky - this gives them a nice rim lighting. I then expose for my background, and put my speedlight on a stand shooting through an umbrella opposite the sun, and starting at full (1/1) power, test until I'm happy with the exposure of the subject's face. This way, I get the subject AND the background well exposed, and a nice, rich background instead of a blown out background.

By the way, come visit Photographers Blog (A Place for Photographers) on wordpress at, read about light (the technique I just described will be posted on Monday), and participate in our giveaway! :)

Jim White said...

My favorite lighting technique is natural light early in the morning or late in the evening - the golden hour. I only wish it would last a bit longer because, to me, it's the most beautiful time of day. I'm now a follower :)

becky ruppel said...

My favorite technique is one giant softbox with a reflector to bounce a little fill, with a black back drop. Outdoors it is just before sunset with the subject turned toward the sun just enough to illuminate 3/4 of their face and use the reflector as a edge/ hair light.

CNarciso said...

Now following! Hope this doesn't disqualify me but I don't have a favorite yet! Just like you, I am just beginning to learn about lighting. I've worked for a studio for years where the lights were set for me and I never touch them (boring). Now I am going to be opening my own studio soon and can use all the help I can get! I hope I win :)

FredR said...

I'm following you. I like 2 studio strobes with a soft box on one as my key, and an umbrella on the second for fill. Now if I could just learn how to adjust them perfectly...

Anonymous said...

I always have my bounce flash with a Gary Fong Lumisphere on regards of whether its day or night whenever I'm taking photos of people. Most portraits I've been doing have been using the beautiful outdoor surrounds here, but I have my off-camera flash cables, umbrella et al so need to learn how to use them :) Gorgeous looking blog, btw

Anonymous said...

My favorite lighting technique because it's my only technique is bouncing natural light off a reflector. I have one light (SB 800) and haven't really taken the time to learn lighting because I feel so limited. I know a lot can be done with one light because I had the chance to watch Zack Arias's One Light dvd. I wouldn't dare go so far as too say I'm a natural light photographer or say it's my favorite because I haven't had the chance to do anything else. This Christmas I'm hoping for some studio strobes and let the learning begin.

Unknown said...

I don't yet have a favorite method of lighting. I am stilllearning, but if I had to pick one it would be the traditional 3 light method.

Unknown said...

My favorite light is window light with a strobe on opposite side. It gives me some control and I also can bounce the flash from the ceiling too.

Tammy Austin, or

Sarah said...

Well, after reading this blog I am hooked! Consider it being followed. :)
I have been shooting for others for about 3 or 4 years and was extrememly shall I say convicted by the comment above about labeling yourself a natural light photographer because you don't know how to work with Studio Lighting. I need to read this book! I prefer natural light (truly do), but NEED to learn more about studio lighting! Please throw me in the mix for a chance to win! :) Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lyra! Thanks for the message, I don't know if it will tell you there was a response to the message so I wanted to message you here as well. Please email me at so I don't have to post my address on a blog. Thanks again!!!! So excited!
~Christine Neutgens (Photographers Blog - A Place for Photographers)

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