
Friday, October 1, 2010

I took this image as I sat in my minivan, arriving 15 minutes early to a 10 am meeting. I don't know what prompted me to mark this moment. But as I stared at the Fridayphotoschool signage, I felt nervous, excited and hopeful that whatever existed behind the other side of the door, was something or someone that could help convince me I had a place in the Photographers world.
I had seen Fridayphotoschool seminars online. I had e mailed Will Crockett and asked for a meeting. I had pinched myself a hundred times when he answered that e mail and invited me to the Fridayphotoschool studio.
How many of us as brand new photographers have reached out to the "pros" in the field?
How many of the pros responded?
How many of these encounters would go beyond a first meeting?

I must be the luckiest girl in the whole world. Because upon walking in and meeting the team... I immediately felt at home. Sure its a bit of a BOYS CLUB...there's cheap shots and burping and sandwiches for EVERY meal. But beneath it all, there's a group of people who love what they do and want to share it with those who want to learn...including me!
As I scanned the collection of Fridayphotoschool and Shootsmarter DVD's at the studio, I realized that there was so much that I still needed to learn. I need Fridayphotoschool to give me some technical guidance. One thing that Will Crockett was quick to point out during our meeting is that I do have some skills to bring to the table...I like people... I love facebook...and I am creative.
And whatta ya know...they wanted me. So I am officially part of the Fridayphotoschool team and I couldn't be happier. I have a multifaceted job that includes monitoring facebook and "chick-afying" the joint! What a beautiful marriage this is going to be!


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